Berignone by day

Program May 6th, 2023
09:00 am: meeting point at “Paradiso di Berignone” Loc.I I Pino, 1.5km (0,9 Miles) after Mazzolla direction Zona Sosta- Fosci-Loc. I Pino, unpaved road with a steep slope (1 km far from Zona Sosta-Fosci and inside the Berignone Reserve) with parking option near the cottage.
09:15 am: Registration
09:30 am: Departure
01:30 pm: Lunch at “Il Paradiso di Berignone” -20€/pax (payment at departure):
mixed appetizers, 1 first course, signature dessert, water, wine and coffee other drinks not included
Reservations appreciated
Difficulty: Medium
(White roads, Trails N5, N7, Apollo11, Pian degli Zoccli, Mangia e Bevi N10, N9, Pupo, all single tracks) – see the map below
Distance: 35km (21,748 Miles
Difference in heigh: 1300m (0,80 miles)
Stefano 328 3018838
FB Volterrabike